Our Team
Helper Jasminity
Jasminity was found already working under his local bridge, like the rest of you should be doing now.
Worker Cherry
Cherry was struggling so she joined WorkersHelpers to implode the struggle bus!
Worker Eugene
His home was burned in a fire, they took his wife, through struggle and strife he rose once again from the ashes, Eugene the mighty.
Worker Peter
Peter was found in the streets trying to make a living. We saved him.
Helper Roberto
He was found on a cold winters morning, outside of hippy hoppy stream, he danced for the chickens, it was raining.
Worker Cora
Cora was a founding father of a lawless land.
Helper Rhizanda
Rhizanda was found working at a gas station, but you can’t really call it working because she didn’t get paid. No one knows what she was doing there.
Helper MawHawl
MawHawl joined WorkersHelpers and we are so proud of him because he is ambidextrous, so he lost 30% of his sight in both eyes. We are not proud of him.
Worker Andi
Andi was found working at a carwash hospital. He saved the lives of multiple Toyota Corollas and was later recruited by WorkersHelpers.
Helper Kya
She has hidden over 75 special-edition- pineapple-flavored flamingos.
Helper Cynthia
Cythia was found looking to mingle, she mingled into WorkersHelpers.
Worker Alex
Alex was lost, but this time, she was found working on a docu-series crew for regional geographic.
Worker Ellynn
She sews circus tents in order to pay for the tuition of her anonymous big-brained turtle friend.
Worker Janis
Janis was found single in the sewers trying to find a manager.
Helper Adelle
Grapes are the only sustenance for this former gangster.
Helper Chalry
“I want to be a helper with every toe on my foot.” - Helper Chlary
Worker Eden
She knows every song under the cubed sun. She lives in an apple under the lotion sea.
Worker Olivia
She collects a greener today's bears.
Helper Jackson
He is him, he got the morbs and rizzy wizzers.
Worker Ryan
This photo was taken in the hot firey sun.
Helper Trish
She tried the soccer mom life for exactly one summer, now she is a principal of science.